Vishwajyoti Ghosh

Vishwajyoti Ghosh

Vishwajyoti Ghosh Artist Vishwajyoti Ghosh engages in visual arts, graphic novels, documentaries and storytelling. He uses the medium of comics and graphic storytelling as an advocacy tool to communicate on social and development issues across South Asia. His graphic novel ‘Delhi Calm’ (2010) recalls the particularly incisive and controversial period of 1975 to 1977, referred […]


Venita Coelho

Venita Coelho Writer has had a career in films, television and books. She is a two time winner of The Hindu award for Best Fiction for Children, for her books ‘All of Me’ and ‘Boy No.32’. The author of 10 published books and a couple of hundred hours of television, her film credits include Karan […]


Varud Gupta

Varud Gupta Writer Varud is the award-winning author of the graphic novel Chhotu: A Tale of Love and Partition (Comic Con India “Best Writer”) and the travelogue Bhagwaan Ke Pakwaan: Food of the Gods (Gourmand for “Peace”). His writing also frequently appears in National Geographic Traveller and Mint Lounge. He began his career as a […]


Triparna Maiti

Triparna Maiti Artist Triparna Maiti is an animation artist, illustrator and writer. She is an alumna of the Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute (SRFTI), Kolkata with specialisation in Animation Cinema. Her latest short film ‘Neer’ (‘Water’) has been an official selection at various prestigious festivals like Anifilm in Třeboň, Czech Republic, Monstra in Lisbon, […]


Tina Thomas

Tina Thomas Writer Tina Thomas is the co-founder of Kokaachi, a visual storytelling house that creates graphic novels and animated films. Her graphic narratives have been published in Mint newspaper and Forbes Life magazine. She has scripted Will you play with me?, an interactive children’s book supported by National Geographic Society. Tina has conceptualised and […]