Venita Coelho
has had a career in films, television and books. She is a two time winner of The Hindu award for Best Fiction for Children, for her books ‘All of Me’ and ‘Boy No.32’. The author of 10 published books and a couple of hundred hours of television, her film credits include Karan Johar’s ‘All of Me’. Her latest book is ‘Whisper in the Wind’ – a murder mystery set in Portuguese Goa. She is currently working on a web series for YashRaj Films, based on a book written by her. As an artist she works on canvas and glass. This is her very first attempt to bring together the artist and writer in her.
Insta: venitacoelho
In Comixense: The Mudmen of Asaro (Vol 3 Issue 2 | July-September 2023), Love for Dummies (Vol 1 Issue 1 | April-June 2021)