Vol 1 Issue 1 | April-June 2021 The Plague Doctor’s Apprentice Story by Indrajit Hazra | Art by Mad Paule’ In The Plague Doctor’s Apprentice, Indrajit Hazra and Mad Paule’ have brought to life 17th century Florence as its streets are wracked by the bubonic plague. What similarities can be seen between this plague […]
Love for Dummies
Vol 1 Issue 1 | April-June 2021 Love for Dummies Story by Venita Coelho | Art by Pia Alize Hazarika Love for Dummies explores a post-human cityscape, in which the clever machines that humans leave behind wander around in an endless loop, until a pair of crash test dummies are accidentally confronted by art. How […]
City of Astronomers
Vol 1 Issue 1 | April-June 2021 City of Astronomers Story by Mohd Salman | Art by Rai The earliest humans faced an inescapable darkness every day, when the sun went down. They spent some of those dark hours looking at the sky. Our ancestors looked at the solitary journeys of the Morning Star and […]
The Razor and the Scalpel
Vol 1 Issue 1 | April-June 2021 The Razor and the Scalpel Story by Sheela Jaywant | Art by Haasini Casukhela We had already got a fix on the story break-up for the first issue when Sheela Jaywant sent us her writing samples to consider. One of the pieces she sent was “Kace to […]
The Captain
Vol 1 Issue 1 | April-June 2021 The Captain Story and art by Anupam Arunachalam The Captain is a longform journalistic story about the workings of a fishing boat in Kerala and the life of its skipper. The comic was conceptualised and thumbnailed during a month-long workshop in the summer of 2018. It was led […]